Hold Music

I am not dead. Life just has me by the balls. In a good way. I have been really busy with school, an awesome creative woman’s conference, MERGE 2013 (watch for 2014 because it was amazing and everyone lady should go,) and the whole working-much-more-than-full-time-thing – all of which is super boring and you don’t want to hear about, but it is really all I have to report. Apologies. Forgiveness?

Unfortunately certain priorities have moved up in the ranks and shifted the blog a bit lower on the list. This will probably be my last post until after I get back. So sorry, my dearies.

Wait, back? Back from where? Oh yeah, that is right. Next week I will be hopping on a plane to Germany. Itinerary includes:

/// 2 nights in Brussels

/// 2 nights in Antwerp

/// 2 nights in Paris

/// 2 nights in Heidelberg

/// 2 nights in Cologne

Don’t give up on me while I am gone, as I DO actually have some very fun projects in the works:

///////////// Sweet Sally Bakery and Catering Logo and Stationary Design

//////// Bread, Bread, & More Bread Logo and Stationary Design

///////////////// Finally making that hamper I mentioned in my 2013 top DIY plans

//// Phone cover re-visited (the smarter DIY)

// Wool &What-not Brand Identity and Packaging Design

////// Ryann Moore Design Website – say whaaa? Yup, I am stoked too.

Hope March kicks major arse for all of you. Until I return, please enjoy this little Spotify playlist I put together for you, entitled “Hold Music.

Oh and I can’t leave without talking about how incredible this portrait of my brother is, done by his good friend Brandon Vosika. He doesn’t have a website for his art up yet – I am promised that it is in the works, but in the meantime here is his Etsy shop. I don’t know him (really at all) but if I know any artist, I am sure he wouldn’t mind a direct contact for a custom piece or what-else-ish-ness, give it a shot.

Taylor, portrait by Brandon Vosika

While I won’t share with you the source image – it isn’t too flattering of my lil bro – just trust me in that this portrait is pretty right on. It makes me laugh and I think it’s pretty brilliant. That being said, I do feel like I need to share some photos of Taylor, because he can actually be quite handsome. He does have Carroll genes, after all.


Working for the Weekend

Although the week has started and I am already well into my crazy schedule, my mind is stuck on my weekend. In my mind I am still bike riding along the strand or sipping mimosas with a good friend after finishing our 10K.

Only a few more days before we get to enjoy another little life break.


For some extra fun-timez, here are a few great things the internet has introduced to me today:

  1. I just can’t quit watching the NPR tiny desk concerts, here is a great one of Swell Season.
  2. While I was considering just making some myself, these coasters may have changed my mind.
  3. Last chance to vote for Homies on Apartment Therapy – everyone should vote! (If you are dying to know who I voted for, here is a hint: rhymes with Ranhattan Fest)
  4. I think I could literally listen to Amy Winehouse singing Valerie for the rest of the week, straight.
  5. Booked our flights and our rental care for our spring break, Europe trip. Countries will include Belgium, Germany, and France. Send any must-see’s my way. (So far I have taken about 20 pages of notes from Oh Happy Day’s Paris posts)
  6. My type-friends will appreciate this: Kern Ring Set. I also appreciate and want to own them.
  7. Two favorite recent (crazy stylish and beautiful) blogs I have found: Sweet Thing and JASPR.
  8. My web design class meets for the second time tonight and I can already tell this is going to be one of my favorite classes of all time. Big plans, huge goals, and exciting future – here I come.
  9. This Design Sponge, Bri Emery of Design Love Fest and Blogshop feature is so inspiring and motivating. Repeat – big plans, huge goals, and exciting future – here I come.
  10. This vegan paleo recipe posted by Jeremy and Kathleen has me wanting to go vegan paleo.

What are your weekend plans? What are your huge goals?

**Don’t forget to immortalize your favorite pet or loved one in a DIY cell-phone cover, either for the Hallmark holiday around the corner, or just because.**

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