Never ending coats of paint

So truth time: last week didn’t end up being DIY week. Turns out, back in August I kinda forgot that September was trip month (in other words – I’m the worst) that, and my project still needs ONE more coat. This is about one thousand paint coats more than I had anticipated. Soon, it WILL look awesome (note to self: what everyone says about cheap paint needing billions of coats, is true, buy the good shiz.) But, it is happening, tomorrow, after today’s coat dries. Might be late. Might be early. This over-anticipated Pinterest challenge will have it’s day. Tomorrow. Luckily this blog is just for personal fun, otherwise I would really feel bad.

I might still feel a pretty bad.

Speaking of DIY’s – Almost Makes Perfect just posted a DIY I had been thinking of doing FOREVER, she just beat me to it =). Naturally I immediately went and bought some bottles after I read her post. And I am going to copy cat this so hard.


Today I am listening to: Carried Away by Passion Pit

Am feeling inspired by: The beautiful, white apartment in Sweden where Design Love Fest is visiting (photo by sfgirlbybay)


Want to be wearing: This cute and flowing jumpsuit worn by the perdy lady at The Tiny Closet


OMG (cheap) SHOES

otheroption copy

Being a woman, I naturally have some body image insecurities (gasp!), but for the most part, I am comfortable in my own skin – although a bit awkward at times, I do try and embrace it. But, my calves, regardless of how much I work them out, they remain consistently shaped like those baby carrots I like to dip in my hummus. Still, it’s ok, it’s how I am made, but it does make buying shoes very difficult.

I am very skilled at finding thousands of shoes I love the style of online, but I can’t ever bring myself to purchase any because something that may look awesome off, may only accentuates the baby-carrot-ness of my lower legs. In particular, I have been looking for a pair of ankle boots (channeling my inner Cher Horowitz) for, like, ever.

I have probably tried on over 100 pairs in the last year. Really. Anywhere I went that had a contender, I would try them on. The other day, I went into Target and tried on 15 or so shoes, as per usual, and many of the ankle boot variety. Then, I saw them. And the angels sang – or maybe it was just a kid throwing a tantrum a few aisles over, but they worked. My legs are still baby-carrot-like, but the shoes don’t make that any more obvious then it is shoe-less. Oh boy, you guys, the best part: $35.

In the last few months I have donated a lot of clothing and really tried to make an effort to only purchase items that I love. Really define and stick to ‘my style.’ I understand that there may be times that this means spending a little more money for quality, staple pieces that I will want to keep and wear for a really long time. I also always think back to something that was pressed on me in my art classes – the most expensive paintbrush you will ever own is the $6 paintbrush you have to buy 100 times. But these shoes, they really seem to be good quality (I can actually, comfortably run in them, though I won’t be replacing my Nikes for legit jogs anytime soon) and are really solid, for $35, so I am just loving the money saved. The best of both worlds.


You can buy them online or I have seen them in all the stores right now. Oh, and no Target sponsorship here, I just am really happy with these kicks.

Well, with that here is the tune I’m dancing in my blue black suede shoes to today – it’s an oldie but one of my favorite goodies from high school, Four Tet, As Serious As Your Life

And some serious inspiration coming from this – amazing portrait by Lou Ros, see his (breathtaking) online portfolio here


Naturally, I need this outfit to go along with my new shoesies – via Lovely by Lucy


Maybe this will hold me over for a little while, shoe-wise. Pshh, AS IF!

How iced coffee saved my life

To say I am not a morning person is a pretty extreme understatement. It is especially noticeable because I am married to Captain Happy who legitimately wakes up every day like it’s Christmas and he just can’t wait to  open the presents. Except that there are no presents and he is just super stoked to go have another day, a totally normal day. Luckily, in the past couple weeks I have found something that makes the morning a little more exciting, or in the very least seems to brighten my gloomy morning blues. ICED COFFEE.

It took me 25 years and reading it over and over and over on numerous blogs, but I finally tried it and am absolutely loving this iced coffee business. I used to have a Diet Coke in the mornings, because it is my crack, but all the while I was still willing to admit that it was a little gross to have a soda that early. Also, I was never a real fan of the severe withdrawal problems I would get along with the DC cola habit, so I was very much looking for a good replacement that wouldn’t have me twitching by 10 AM if the vending machine I was counting on, was out. In fact, I am now only really having one soda a week, and have hopes to maybe even cut that one out. ICED COFFEE YOU ARE MY HERO.

Now, I absolutely have a plan to try what is supposedly the best iced coffee recipe, but because I wasn’t exactly sure how iced coffee world would stack up to my almighty diet soda, I first decided to try the Trader Joe’s brand cold-brew concentrated iced coffee. Right now, I use 1/3 cup concentrate to about 1/2 cup water topped with a healthy dollop of light coconut milk. And it is glorious. I am still going to try the recipe, but for anyone out there that wants a quick fix, I only have wonderful things to say about this product.


I MIGHT have even had a mini second glass today. The morning grumpies were especially persistent today.

For some other fun, today this is my jam – MR MS, Hurricane:

And my inspiration – Pennyweight‘s House Tour on Design Sponge:


And an outfit that I wish was in my closet – craving comfy, via The Day Book:


Happy hump day, you internet camels.

So Far…

Since quitting my job and moving to Ventura life has ceased to feel real or regular, but finally this week a ‘routine’ has been developing and it is a welcomed friend. Even though I have all day to get some class done, any chores, dog care, and maybe even a workout, the day can still manage to fly by. It was finally this week when I started to make a list first thing in the morning of all that I wanted to finish that I actually feel a little more together.

Mostly the superficial things have been the biggest changes, meaning no more smart-casual work clothes (that never felt like me anyway – time to clean out the closet and revisit that) and no more loads of makeup or time spent trying to de-fro the hair. I am still spending my whole day on the computer, either working through some freelance design projects, brainstorming some ideas of what this ‘Ryann Moore Design’ life would look like, either the short or long term, and hammering through some classes.

Jenny’s life (the dog) has pretty much remained unchanged, except in that any time I move, she does too. She might be sleeping all day, but gosh darn it, if she isn’t going to do that right next to wherever I am, which I can only imagine is exhausting but it does make me feel lurv-ed. Every once in a while I can’t stop staring at how cute she is when she is sleeping and I just pounce on her for some mid-day cuddles, which she might find to be more annoyed by than anything, but it is a good time for me. It has been a VERY nice thing to have her with me all day. Whether it ends up being me working for myself full-time or finding something more conventional, it would be the coolest if I could keep that part of my life these days consistent – although I do understand it is pretty rare to find a job where you can have your pup with you.

Anyway, that is the update. I really do have some stuff I want to share with you but I am still trying to figure out a suitable way of taking photos as the tablet’s Instagram shots have just been disappointing:

Jenny Sweepy copy

(It’s horrible quality but thankfully Jenny is so cute that it kinda saves it. Kinda)

In the meantime, here is my song of the day:

And a project that has me totally inspired – Israeli pianist and conductor Arie Vardi website by Sasha Firs via Behance:

Arie Vardi Website Design by Sasha Firs

And an outfit I wouldn’t mind adding to the wardrobe (to replace one of those silly smart-casual gettups) – from the ever talented Kelli Murray‘s Blog:

Kelli Murray Outfit 2012

Last but very much not least, happy birthday to this handsome devil, my daddy:

daddio jimbo

This is why I love the internets

I am a total Mac groupie. I LOVED my iPhone. It was the best, honestly and truly. I can’t even give you any super quantitative reasons for why, but just don’t bother talking to me about your Android phone as I am blindly committed to how awesome the iPhone is. Unfortunately, however, with my leaving work, I also had to hand in my much-loved, work-provided cellular device. And with it went my easy access to the best app of all the apps, Instagram.

I do have a tablet, which I used to take the photo below with, but it 1. is not convenient to carry around and snap photos with 2. it has far worse point and shoot camera specs. I am sure most are thinking, why don’t you just buy your own iPhone, like the rest of the world (less those dummies with Androids)? Well if that was a simple answer, I would share that with you, but instead just trust we have our reasons (short-term: sad yet also long-term: exciting reasons.)


// This photo is of some totally delicious and healthy blueberry french toast that I made last Saturday YUMS! //

There is a light at the end of the tunnel though – not the happiest, brightest light, but at least a florescent bulb. My husband’s new job has ordered him some fancy (Android) smart phone and I am totally commandeering it, when needed, for my Instagram pleasure.

In the meantime, my Instagram account is a little sad and the above picture is all I have for recent photos, so for fun and because I don’t have much else to report, here are some of my favorite internet finds from this week:

+ Over 100 corgis at this event in the Pacific Northwest. I would have totally attended but I might have died of happiness.

+ If I did my wedding over again it might just look something like this (featured on Brooklyn Bride), with a little bit of YEAH! Rentals action and Max Wanger Photography thrown into the mix. Love everything – the dress, the neon sign, the invites, the bands, the gold details.. swooooon.

+ I have been told by MANY that my personality doppelgänger is Aubrey Plaza (particularly if/when I am hungover – which has never happened*…,) and while she probably shouldn’t be anyone’s role model, I am taking it as a compliment because I find her outstandingly hilarious, all of which makes me want to see this movie. Plus, being linked to her is much better than who people actually have mistaken me for. Like really, it’s happened at least 10 times – in college, one customer at Starbucks even refused to call me ‘Ryann’ and instead called me ‘Lindsey.’ EVERY. DAY.

     * this is a lie.

+ UO has Bullet Planters? WHAAAA? I want. Too bad I don’t have a money tree, otherwise I would buy one in every color, in both sizes. Also, H&M Home is kinda killing it – with this (in orange and dark green please,) this (cutest toy for Jenny,) and this (perfect for a makeup tin,) and this, and this.

+ These photos by Fiona Conrad have me daydreaming of a trip to Santorini. Just beautiful.

+ Alex and I have been talking a lot about making our own bloody mary’s. Well, this recipe by A Beautiful Mess has me ready to stop talking the talk and finally walk the walk. Or drink the drank.

+ Here are a bunch of incredible tricks that my dog can’t do. But we love her anyway. This dog is very appropriately named ‘Jumpy’. How adorbs.

+ This week’s soundtrack has simply been these two songs on repeat: Lucius, Two of Us on the Run (really all of Lucius’ songs) and Walk the Moon, Shiver Shiver (officially unofficial band-made music video)

+ If you know me in real life and we have happened to discuss kids at all, you have probably heard me say that I really only would want one/them to decorate its/their room(s) and to dress it/them up – see my Pinterest board ‘If I ever change my mind about children‘. Its a pretty horrible, but honest truth. I like kids, I really do, I just have little-to-no baby fever. This Buzzfeed post, however, does make me want to borrow one for dress up reasons (much like my Halloween post from last year.) Also, I am a horrible human being, but seriously, have kids and let me be the crazy aunt-lady. (Alright, fine, #6, 12, and 22 do give my lady parts a tiny twist of desire to have a little Wesley James Moore, some day. The tiniest bit of desire.)

+ An older article, but one I reread this week and if you are a bride, you should to: Why you need a Wedding Planner.

+ Whoooo wouldn’t want these awesome Owl Letterpress Cards? See what I did there?…

+ I LOVE this embroidery artwork that the Jealous Curator tracked down by Stephanie K. Clark. Along with the JC, I am thinking “DAMN I WISH I THOUGHT OF THAT.” Besides that, I want them all.

+ Alright so my plan is: devote one room’s wall space to Stephanie K. Clark’s creations, and another to these gemstone prints. Must collect them all!

+ I am overloading you with dog stuff today, but really how totally cute is this make your own felt dog kit? What a great gift idea for (ME) someone who loves their pooch?

+ Speaking of gifts, this has to be one of my favorite finds of the entire year, not just this week. Not Another Bill is a service that allows you to sign up/subscribe so that you or a friend receives cool new surprises in the mail every month. Some of their past month’s gifts seem amazing.. now if only I could find that money tree…

Happy weekend to all, and to all a good night.

Hold Music

I am not dead. Life just has me by the balls. In a good way. I have been really busy with school, an awesome creative woman’s conference, MERGE 2013 (watch for 2014 because it was amazing and everyone lady should go,) and the whole working-much-more-than-full-time-thing – all of which is super boring and you don’t want to hear about, but it is really all I have to report. Apologies. Forgiveness?

Unfortunately certain priorities have moved up in the ranks and shifted the blog a bit lower on the list. This will probably be my last post until after I get back. So sorry, my dearies.

Wait, back? Back from where? Oh yeah, that is right. Next week I will be hopping on a plane to Germany. Itinerary includes:

/// 2 nights in Brussels

/// 2 nights in Antwerp

/// 2 nights in Paris

/// 2 nights in Heidelberg

/// 2 nights in Cologne

Don’t give up on me while I am gone, as I DO actually have some very fun projects in the works:

///////////// Sweet Sally Bakery and Catering Logo and Stationary Design

//////// Bread, Bread, & More Bread Logo and Stationary Design

///////////////// Finally making that hamper I mentioned in my 2013 top DIY plans

//// Phone cover re-visited (the smarter DIY)

// Wool &What-not Brand Identity and Packaging Design

////// Ryann Moore Design Website – say whaaa? Yup, I am stoked too.

Hope March kicks major arse for all of you. Until I return, please enjoy this little Spotify playlist I put together for you, entitled “Hold Music.

Oh and I can’t leave without talking about how incredible this portrait of my brother is, done by his good friend Brandon Vosika. He doesn’t have a website for his art up yet – I am promised that it is in the works, but in the meantime here is his Etsy shop. I don’t know him (really at all) but if I know any artist, I am sure he wouldn’t mind a direct contact for a custom piece or what-else-ish-ness, give it a shot.

Taylor, portrait by Brandon Vosika

While I won’t share with you the source image – it isn’t too flattering of my lil bro – just trust me in that this portrait is pretty right on. It makes me laugh and I think it’s pretty brilliant. That being said, I do feel like I need to share some photos of Taylor, because he can actually be quite handsome. He does have Carroll genes, after all.


Working for the Weekend

Although the week has started and I am already well into my crazy schedule, my mind is stuck on my weekend. In my mind I am still bike riding along the strand or sipping mimosas with a good friend after finishing our 10K.

Only a few more days before we get to enjoy another little life break.


For some extra fun-timez, here are a few great things the internet has introduced to me today:

  1. I just can’t quit watching the NPR tiny desk concerts, here is a great one of Swell Season.
  2. While I was considering just making some myself, these coasters may have changed my mind.
  3. Last chance to vote for Homies on Apartment Therapy – everyone should vote! (If you are dying to know who I voted for, here is a hint: rhymes with Ranhattan Fest)
  4. I think I could literally listen to Amy Winehouse singing Valerie for the rest of the week, straight.
  5. Booked our flights and our rental care for our spring break, Europe trip. Countries will include Belgium, Germany, and France. Send any must-see’s my way. (So far I have taken about 20 pages of notes from Oh Happy Day’s Paris posts)
  6. My type-friends will appreciate this: Kern Ring Set. I also appreciate and want to own them.
  7. Two favorite recent (crazy stylish and beautiful) blogs I have found: Sweet Thing and JASPR.
  8. My web design class meets for the second time tonight and I can already tell this is going to be one of my favorite classes of all time. Big plans, huge goals, and exciting future – here I come.
  9. This Design Sponge, Bri Emery of Design Love Fest and Blogshop feature is so inspiring and motivating. Repeat – big plans, huge goals, and exciting future – here I come.
  10. This vegan paleo recipe posted by Jeremy and Kathleen has me wanting to go vegan paleo.

What are your weekend plans? What are your huge goals?

**Don’t forget to immortalize your favorite pet or loved one in a DIY cell-phone cover, either for the Hallmark holiday around the corner, or just because.**

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